
Video 4 : Le travail du staccato… | Way of working staccato…

The work of various stacatto is directly in connection with the emission of the sound. I invite you to work the syllables TU, KU and the most varied rhythms possible to try to obtain detached one equal. Once detached precise obtained, we shall work the speed by relaxing the articulation.

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Video 3 : Combattre le côté agressif de l’instrument | Fighting aggressive side of the instrument

As most of the acute instruments, the piccolo is shrill and aggressive. It is by working the grave register and the looseness by stages that we can reach acute sounds softer.

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Video 2 : La largeur du son | Width of sound

The amplitude of the sound and its homogeneity are given largely by the looseness of lips. I propose you the following exercice on third…

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Video 1 : L’émission du son | The sound emission

This course is major for your future… it is essentially built on the place of tongue and especially, not on the tonguing but on the removal of tongue according to the tessitura of the note, what we can call the  » investment of the sound  » and who has a direct relation with the intonation.

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